Aging Providers Network
Aging Providers Network is a forum for professionals, providers of senior services, and older adults to network and share information while promoting education and awareness about aging. Most Networks meet quarterly. At these meetings participants benefit from educational topics, program updates, and the opportunity to engage in networking. Participants also gain knowledge of the resources available to them through shared announcements of events happening in their communities. Learn more about current meetings throughout the region.
Central Minnesota Aging & Wellness Advocates
Central Minnesota Aging & Wellness Advocates (formerly Central MN Age-Friendly & Dementia Friendly Communities) is comprised of the CMCOA Development team along with a group of dynamic and passionate professionals from the central region. Lead by a regional leadership team, this collaborative works together to offer quarterly events for community members and providers that work, live, and/or have a passion for those impacted by Dementia or have an interest in making their community Age-Friendly. Their vision is: “To share ideas and resources, educate, and build supportive networks that promote the health and wellness of Central Minnesota.”
Contact a Community Development team member for information regarding meetings and events in your area.