Central Minnesota Council on Aging collaborates with communities, counties, faith-based organizations, regional development commissions, and health and social service providers to meet the needs of our growing older adult population. This is accomplished through coordinated development of support, services, and resources.
Age-Friendly Communities
Communities are more vibrant and effective when they are age-inclusive. Well designed, age-friendly communities foster economic growth and make for happier, healthier residents of all ages. The most livable communities are those that enable residents to thrive at every age and every life stage – in other words, they are age-friendly.
- The population of the United States is rapidly aging.
- By 2030, one of every five people in the US will be 65 or older.
- By 2035, the number of adults older than 65 will be greater than the number of children under 18.
On December 11, 2019, Governor Tim Walz signed Executive Order 19-38 challenging Minnesota to research opportunities and overcome barriers to become an age-friendly state. As a result of this order the Age-Friendly Minnesota Council was formed.
On a local level CMCOA Community Development staff work with communities that apply and been designated under the Age-Friendly Network through AARP. Communities interested in learning more about becoming an age-friendly community should contact a Community Development team member.