Central Minnesota Council on Aging receives funding for additional needs and trends that arise throughout the year to provide services to older adults. When available these funds are offered to providers and professionals through an application process.
Title III Grants
The Older Americans Act – Title III grants support a wide array of programs and services,including information and referral, congregate and home-delivered meals, health and wellness programs, in-home care, transportation, elder abuse prevention, caregiver support, and adult day care. Click here for current Title III grant opportunities.
CMCOA Contracts staff are available to provide technical assistance to Title III applicants. Consultation will focus on project need and design, outcomes, sustainability, budget, as well as review of draft proposals. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact amanda.schindele@cmcoa.org or laura.hoffman@cmcoa.org as early as possible to receive technical assistance.
Live Well at Home Grant
Minnesota Department of Human Services works with partners statewide to expand the capacity of long-term services and supports to help people age 65 and older stay in their homes and communities of choice. Learn more about Live Well at Home Grants.
Dementia Grant
The Minnesota Board on Aging administers a competitive grant for Alzheimer’s disease
and other dementias and their impact on family, friends, and caregivers.
Learn more about Regional and Local Dementia Grants.
Our Community Development team provides technical assistance for agencies and community collaborative, who are seeking funding to support their services and strategies including Minnesota Department of Human Services and Minnesota Board on Aging grant funds. Applicants are encouraged to contact a Community Development team member, as early as possible to receive technical assistance.